Jackson Benefits Consulting

Ready to build a healthier, happier workforce?

Group Health Plans for Employers

personalized plans that meet the unique needs of every employee, at every stage of life

Secondary Insurance

Get help paying for health care costs related to your deductible, copay, coinsurance, and other

Individual Health Plans

You want the best for yourself and the people you care about. That's exactly what we do!

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97 $ 158 (39% off)

How to Decrease Healthcare Costs and Increase Employee Benefits in 2024


By continuing with their current health insurance provider (Blue Cross) under a higher deductible plan and adding a secondary plan, a company with 38 employees enrolled in a group health plan can achieve the following benefits:

  1. Cost Savings:
  • Save over $39,000 annually compared to the cost of renewing their current plan.
  • Reduce a 12.5% premium rate increase to a 4.7% increase over current costs.
  1. Employee Benefits Enhancement:
  • Lower the employee annual deductible by $500 (from $1,500 to $1,000).
  • Lower the employee annual out-of-pocket expense limit by $5,150 (from $8,150 to $3,000).
  • Maintain physician office visit copays and Rx copays.
  • Include 24/7 physician access at $0 co-pay for employees and dependents, with no disruption to the provider network.


  • Current Benefit Plan (Blue Cross):
  • Individual Deductible: $1,500
  • Plan Pays: 80%
  • Total Out of Pocket: $8,150
  • Office Visit Copay: $25
  • Specialist Copay: $40
  • Rx Copay - Tier 1: $10
  • Rx Copay - Tier 2: $25
  • Rx Copay - Tier 3: $50
  • Rx Copay - Tier 4: $100
  • Employee Coverage Types and Current Rates:
  • Employee Only: 21 employees, monthly rate: $680.22
  • Employee & Spouse: 5 employees, monthly rate: $1,496.48
  • Employee & Child: 7 employees, monthly rate: $1,326.43
  • Family: 5 employees, monthly rate: $2,197.11
  • Total Monthly Premium: $42,038
  • Total Annual Premium: $504,451


  • Renewal Rates:
  • Employee Only: $765.25
  • Employee & Spouse: $1,683.54
  • Employee & Child: $1,492.23
  • Family: $2,471.75
  • Total Monthly Premium: $47,292
  • Total Annual Premium: $567,508
  • Change from Current: 12.5% increase ($63,056)


  • Revised Blue Cross Plan (Primary):
  • Individual Deductible: $5,000
  • Plan Pays: 80%
  • Total Out of Pocket: $8,550
  • Office Visit Copay: $40
  • Specialist Copay: $40
  • Rx Copay - Tier 1: $10
  • Rx Copay - Tier 2: $25
  • Rx Copay - Tier 3: $50
  • Rx Copay - Tier 4: $100


  • Employee Coverage Types and Primary Rates:
  • Employee Only: $628.36
  • Employee & Spouse: $1,382.39
  • Employee & Child: $1,225.30
  • Family: $2,029.60
  • Total Monthly Premium: $38,833
  • Total Annual Premium: $465,992


  • Individual Deductible: $1,000
  • Plan Pays: 80%
  • Total Out of Pocket: $3,000
  • Plan Pays:
  • $15 of the $40 Primary Copay
  • $0 of the $40 Specialist Copay
  • Additional Benefits:
  • Reduces employee deductible by $500 (compared to the current plan).
  • Lowers out-of-pocket expense limit by $5,150 (compared to the current plan).
  • Provides 24/7 access to telemedicine with a zero-dollar copay.


  • Coverage Type Enrollment:Employee Only: 21

  • Employee & Spouse: 5

  • Employee & Child: 7

  • Family: 5

  • Total: 38
  • Monthly / Annual Premium:Monthly premiums for this plan range from $89.77 to $250.56.

  • Total monthly cost: $5,189

  • Total annual cost: $62,262



Coverage TypePrimary RateSecondary RateTotalEmployee Only$628.36$89.77$718.13Employee & Spouse$1,382.39$181.03$1,563.42Employee & Child$1,225.30$163.64$1,388.95Family$2,029.60$250.56$2,280.16

  • Monthly / Annual Premium:Current Primary Premium: $38,833 / $465,992

  • Secondary Premium: $5,189 / $62,262

  • Total Proposed Premium: $44,021 / $528,254

When you add these two sets of costs together, the Company will pay between $718.13 and $2,280.13 in monthly premiums per employee. That’s a total of $44,021 per month and $528,254 per year.



Coverage TypeEnrollmentCurrentRenewalProposedEmployee Only21$680.22$765.25$718.13Employee & Spouse5$1,496.48$1,683.54$1,563.42Employee & Child7$1,326.43$1,492.23$1,388.95Family5$2,197.11$2,471.75$2,280.16

  • Monthly Total:Current: $42,038

  • Renewal: $47,292

  • Proposed: $44,021
  • Annual Total:Current: $504,451

  • Renewal: $567,508

  • Proposed: $528,254
  • Change From Current:Renewal: 12.5% increase ($63,056)

  • Proposed: 4.7% increase ($23,803)
  • Change From Renewal:Proposed: Savings of $3,271 per month ($39,253 per year)

Currently, the Company is spending $42,038 per month ($504,451 per year). If they renew, costs will increase by 12.5% to $47,292 per month ($567,508 per year).

Under the proposed plan, the Company will spend $44,021 per month ($528,254 per year). Employees will also have a lower deductible, a lower out-of-pocket expense limit, no disruption in their provider network, and access to telemedicine.

Compared to renewing, the proposed plan will save the Company $3,271 per month ($39,253 per year).

357 $ 488 (27% off)

Leave a Legacy of Love: Life Insurance That Protects Your Family's Future

Life is a precious gift, and ensuring your loved ones are financially secure is an act of love. Our life insurance plans provide a safety net for your family, offering financial support in the event of your passing.

Why Life Insurance is a Gift of Love:

  • Financial Security: Leave behind a financial legacy to help your family cover expenses like mortgage payments, education costs, and everyday bills.
  • Peace of Mind: Know that your loved ones will be taken care of, even if the unexpected happens.
  • Debt Protection: Ensure your debts won't burden your family after you're gone.
  • Estate Planning: Preserve your assets and leave a lasting inheritance for your loved ones.

Our Life Insurance Portfolio: A Plan for Every Love Story

  • Term Life Insurance: Affordable coverage for a specific term, ideal for young families with growing needs.
  • Whole Life Insurance: Lifelong coverage with a cash value component that grows over time, providing both protection and potential investment benefits.
  • Universal Life Insurance: Flexible coverage with adjustable premiums and death benefits, allowing you to tailor the policy to your changing needs.

Why Choose Us?

  • Personalized Guidance: Our experienced agents will help you understand your options and find the perfect policy to fit your budget and goals.
  • Top-Rated Carriers: We work with leading insurance companies to offer you competitive rates and reliable coverage.
  • Simplified Application Process: We make applying for life insurance easy and convenient.

Leave a legacy of love and security for your family. Contact us today to learn more about our life insurance options and create a plan that protects the ones you cherish most. It's a gift that lasts a lifetime.

346 $ 478 (28% off)

Your Health, Our Expertise: Personalized Insurance Solutions

Navigating the world of insurance can be overwhelming, but we're here to make it simple and stress-free. We understand that every individual, family, and business has unique healthcare needs and financial considerations. That's why we offer a range of personalized insurance solutions to ensure you have the right coverage at the right price.

What We Offer:

  • Individual Health Plans: We'll work with you to understand your specific health requirements and budget to find the perfect plan that covers everything from routine checkups to unexpected medical expenses.
  • Group Health Plans: Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, we'll help you design a comprehensive group health plan that meets the diverse needs of your employees and keeps them healthy and productive.
  • Secondary Health Plans: We'll analyze your existing coverage and identify potential gaps, then recommend a secondary plan that provides an extra layer of protection and financial security.

Our Approach:

We take a personalized approach to insurance, recognizing that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. We'll take the time to get to know you, your health history, and your financial goals. Based on this information, we'll tailor a plan that addresses your specific needs and provides peace of mind.

Why Choose Us:

  • Expertise: Our experienced team stays up-to-date on the latest insurance trends and regulations to ensure you receive accurate and reliable advice.
  • Choice: We work with a wide range of reputable insurance carriers, giving you access to a diverse selection of plans and options.
  • Advocacy: We'll be your advocate throughout the entire insurance process, from selecting a plan to filing claims and resolving any issues that may arise.

Ready to get started? Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you secure the personalized insurance coverage you deserve.

89 $ 134 (34% off)

Smile with Confidence: Dental Insurance That Cares for Your Grin

Your smile is your superpower! It lights up a room and makes you feel great. That's why we offer dental insurance plans designed to keep your teeth sparkling and your smile beaming.

Why Dental Insurance Matters:

  • Protect Your Pearly Whites: Regular check-ups and cleanings prevent cavities, gum disease, and other tooth troubles.
  • Save Money: Dental insurance covers a portion (or all!) of these costs, so you can keep your smile healthy without breaking the bank.
  • Smile with Confidence: A healthy smile boosts your self-esteem and leaves a lasting impression.

Our Dental Insurance Plans:

  • Variety of Options: Choose from basic cleanings and check-ups to more extensive procedures like fillings, crowns, or orthodontics.
  • Affordable Rates: We work with top dental insurance providers to offer plans that fit your budget and your needs.
  • Easy Claims: Our team will help you navigate the claims process and maximize your benefits.

Don't let dental worries hold you back! Contact us today to learn more about our dental insurance options and find the perfect plan to protect your smile and your wallet.

2142 $ 2578 (17% off)

Protect Your Income, Your Way: Disability Insurance That Has Your Back

Life throws curveballs, but your income doesn't have to suffer. Our disability insurance plans are your safety net, designed to replace a portion of your earnings if an unexpected illness or injury sidelines you from work.

Why Disability Insurance is Your Financial MVP:

  • Peace of Mind: Know that your bills are covered, even when life throws you a curveball.
  • Income Replacement: Get a percentage of your income to help with rent/mortgage, groceries, medical bills, and more.
  • Financial Freedom: Focus on your recovery without the stress of financial worries.

Our Disability Insurance Line-Up: A Plan for Every Player

  • Short-Term Disability: For temporary setbacks, providing coverage for a few weeks to a few months.
  • Long-Term Disability: For extended illnesses or injuries, offering protection for years or even until retirement.
  • Customized Options: Tailor your coverage with riders for specific needs, like student loan repayment or catastrophic illness protection.

Why Choose Us?

  • Personalized Playbook: We'll create a game plan that suits your unique needs and budget.
  • All-Star Team: Our experienced agents will guide you through the process, making it simple and stress-free.
  • Winning Solutions: We partner with top-rated insurance carriers to offer you the best coverage at competitive rates.

Don't let an unexpected injury or illness bench your income. Contact us today to learn more about our disability insurance options and score the financial security you deserve. It's time to play defense and protect your future.

2246 $ 2680 (16% off)

Crystal-Clear Vision for Your Team: Group Vision Insurance

Give your employees the gift of clear vision with our comprehensive group vision insurance plans. Healthy eyes are essential for productivity and overall well-being, and our plans make it easy and affordable for your team to prioritize their eye health.

Why Group Vision Insurance is a Smart Investment:

  • Boost Productivity: Clear vision improves focus, concentration, and overall job performance.
  • Attract and Retain Talent: Offering vision insurance as a benefit shows your employees you care about their well-being, making your company more attractive to top talent.
  • Early Detection of Health Issues: Regular eye exams can detect signs of serious health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, potentially saving lives and reducing healthcare costs.

Our Group Vision Insurance Plans: A Perfect Fit for Your Business

  • Flexible Options: Choose from a variety of plans to fit your company's size and budget.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Our plans include annual eye exams, glasses, contact lenses, and even discounts on laser vision correction.
  • Extensive Provider Network: Your employees can choose from a wide network of trusted eye care professionals.

Our Commitment to Your Business:

  • Expert Guidance: Our experienced agents will help you select the right plan for your company and your employees.
  • Seamless Enrollment: We'll make the enrollment process smooth and efficient for your HR team.
  • Dedicated Support: We'll be there every step of the way to answer questions and provide support.

Invest in Your Team's Vision. Contact us today to learn more about our group vision insurance options and give your employees the gift of clear sight and a healthier future.

Recommended products

Check out our Recommended collections

2349 $ 2759 (15% off)

Healthy Smiles, Happy Team: Group Dental Insurance That Makes a Difference

Invest in your employees' smiles and overall well-being with our comprehensive group dental insurance plans. A healthy smile boosts confidence and productivity, and our plans make it easy and affordable for your team to maintain their oral health.

Why Group Dental Insurance is a Win-Win:

  • Happier Employees: Dental benefits are highly valued by employees, leading to increased job satisfaction and morale.
  • Healthier Workforce: Regular dental care prevents oral health problems, reducing the risk of serious health issues and absenteeism.
  • Increased Productivity: A healthy smile can boost confidence and improve focus, leading to enhanced performance and productivity.
  • Lower Healthcare Costs: Preventive dental care can help avoid costly procedures in the long run, saving your company money.

Our Group Dental Insurance Plans: A Smile for Every Budget

  • Flexible Coverage Options: Choose from a range of plans with varying levels of coverage to meet your company's unique needs and budget.
  • Comprehensive Benefits: Our plans cover preventive care (cleanings, exams, X-rays), basic restorative procedures (fillings, extractions), and major services (crowns, bridges, dentures).
  • Orthodontic Coverage: Optional orthodontic coverage is available for children and adults.

Why Choose Us?

  • Personalized Service: Our experienced team will guide you through the selection process and help you find the perfect plan for your team.
  • Nationwide Network: Your employees will have access to a vast network of dentists across the country.
  • Easy Administration: We'll handle all the paperwork and claims processing, making it hassle-free for your HR department.

Unlock the Power of Healthy Smiles. Contact us today to learn more about our group dental insurance options and give your employees a reason to smile brighter.

3165 $ 3770 (16% off)

Secure Your Team's Future: Group Life Insurance That Cares

Protect the ones who matter most with our comprehensive group life insurance plans. We understand that your employees are your company's greatest asset, and their well-being is paramount. That's why we offer tailored group life insurance solutions that provide financial security and peace of mind for both your employees and their families.

Why Group Life Insurance is Essential:

  • Attract & Retain Top Talent: Show your employees you value their well-being by offering a competitive benefits package that includes life insurance.
  • Financial Security: Provide financial support for families in the event of an employee's passing, easing the burden during a difficult time.
  • Enhanced Morale: Knowing their loved ones are protected can boost employee morale and loyalty.
  • Affordable Coverage: Group life insurance is often more affordable than individual policies, making it a cost-effective benefit for both employers and employees.

Our Group Life Insurance Options: Tailored to Your Needs

  • Basic Life Insurance: Provide a foundational level of coverage for all employees.
  • Supplemental Life Insurance: Allow employees to customize their coverage based on their individual needs and budget.
  • Voluntary Life Insurance: Offer additional coverage options that employees can purchase at their own expense.
  • Dependent Life Insurance: Extend coverage to employees' spouses and children.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expert Guidance: Our experienced agents will help you navigate the complexities of group life insurance and find the perfect plan for your company.
  • Simplified Enrollment: We'll streamline the enrollment process for your HR team, making it easy and efficient.
  • Dedicated Support: We'll be there every step of the way to answer questions and provide support to both you and your employees.

Don't leave your employees' financial security to chance. Invest in their future and their families' well-being with our group life insurance plans. Contact us today for a personalized consultation and take the first step towards securing your company's most valuable assets.

2246 $ 2680 (16% off)

Crystal-Clear Vision for Your Team: Group Vision Insurance

Give your employees the gift of clear vision with our comprehensive group vision insurance plans. Healthy eyes are essential for productivity and overall well-being, and our plans make it easy and affordable for your team to prioritize their eye health.

Why Group Vision Insurance is a Smart Investment:

  • Boost Productivity: Clear vision improves focus, concentration, and overall job performance.
  • Attract and Retain Talent: Offering vision insurance as a benefit shows your employees you care about their well-being, making your company more attractive to top talent.
  • Early Detection of Health Issues: Regular eye exams can detect signs of serious health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, potentially saving lives and reducing healthcare costs.

Our Group Vision Insurance Plans: A Perfect Fit for Your Business

  • Flexible Options: Choose from a variety of plans to fit your company's size and budget.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Our plans include annual eye exams, glasses, contact lenses, and even discounts on laser vision correction.
  • Extensive Provider Network: Your employees can choose from a wide network of trusted eye care professionals.

Our Commitment to Your Business:

  • Expert Guidance: Our experienced agents will help you select the right plan for your company and your employees.
  • Seamless Enrollment: We'll make the enrollment process smooth and efficient for your HR team.
  • Dedicated Support: We'll be there every step of the way to answer questions and provide support.

Invest in Your Team's Vision. Contact us today to learn more about our group vision insurance options and give your employees the gift of clear sight and a healthier future.

2142 $ 2578 (17% off)

Protect Your Income, Your Way: Disability Insurance That Has Your Back

Life throws curveballs, but your income doesn't have to suffer. Our disability insurance plans are your safety net, designed to replace a portion of your earnings if an unexpected illness or injury sidelines you from work.

Why Disability Insurance is Your Financial MVP:

  • Peace of Mind: Know that your bills are covered, even when life throws you a curveball.
  • Income Replacement: Get a percentage of your income to help with rent/mortgage, groceries, medical bills, and more.
  • Financial Freedom: Focus on your recovery without the stress of financial worries.

Our Disability Insurance Line-Up: A Plan for Every Player

  • Short-Term Disability: For temporary setbacks, providing coverage for a few weeks to a few months.
  • Long-Term Disability: For extended illnesses or injuries, offering protection for years or even until retirement.
  • Customized Options: Tailor your coverage with riders for specific needs, like student loan repayment or catastrophic illness protection.

Why Choose Us?

  • Personalized Playbook: We'll create a game plan that suits your unique needs and budget.
  • All-Star Team: Our experienced agents will guide you through the process, making it simple and stress-free.
  • Winning Solutions: We partner with top-rated insurance carriers to offer you the best coverage at competitive rates.

Don't let an unexpected injury or illness bench your income. Contact us today to learn more about our disability insurance options and score the financial security you deserve. It's time to play defense and protect your future.

89 $ 134 (34% off)

Smile with Confidence: Dental Insurance That Cares for Your Grin

Your smile is your superpower! It lights up a room and makes you feel great. That's why we offer dental insurance plans designed to keep your teeth sparkling and your smile beaming.

Why Dental Insurance Matters:

  • Protect Your Pearly Whites: Regular check-ups and cleanings prevent cavities, gum disease, and other tooth troubles.
  • Save Money: Dental insurance covers a portion (or all!) of these costs, so you can keep your smile healthy without breaking the bank.
  • Smile with Confidence: A healthy smile boosts your self-esteem and leaves a lasting impression.

Our Dental Insurance Plans:

  • Variety of Options: Choose from basic cleanings and check-ups to more extensive procedures like fillings, crowns, or orthodontics.
  • Affordable Rates: We work with top dental insurance providers to offer plans that fit your budget and your needs.
  • Easy Claims: Our team will help you navigate the claims process and maximize your benefits.

Don't let dental worries hold you back! Contact us today to learn more about our dental insurance options and find the perfect plan to protect your smile and your wallet.

346 $ 478 (28% off)

Your Health, Our Expertise: Personalized Insurance Solutions

Navigating the world of insurance can be overwhelming, but we're here to make it simple and stress-free. We understand that every individual, family, and business has unique healthcare needs and financial considerations. That's why we offer a range of personalized insurance solutions to ensure you have the right coverage at the right price.

What We Offer:

  • Individual Health Plans: We'll work with you to understand your specific health requirements and budget to find the perfect plan that covers everything from routine checkups to unexpected medical expenses.
  • Group Health Plans: Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, we'll help you design a comprehensive group health plan that meets the diverse needs of your employees and keeps them healthy and productive.
  • Secondary Health Plans: We'll analyze your existing coverage and identify potential gaps, then recommend a secondary plan that provides an extra layer of protection and financial security.

Our Approach:

We take a personalized approach to insurance, recognizing that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. We'll take the time to get to know you, your health history, and your financial goals. Based on this information, we'll tailor a plan that addresses your specific needs and provides peace of mind.

Why Choose Us:

  • Expertise: Our experienced team stays up-to-date on the latest insurance trends and regulations to ensure you receive accurate and reliable advice.
  • Choice: We work with a wide range of reputable insurance carriers, giving you access to a diverse selection of plans and options.
  • Advocacy: We'll be your advocate throughout the entire insurance process, from selecting a plan to filing claims and resolving any issues that may arise.

Ready to get started? Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you secure the personalized insurance coverage you deserve.